Today was a nice day, the weather was great and I enjoyed it with a friend in a little park.
After that, I finally got my camera and I was thrilled!
So my sister and I went to a cool place with water and roses (don’t ask me why there.. cause I don’t know..). And we had a lot of fun.
Quinett (me, 19 years old) : Sunglasses – Urban outfitters, Tube dress – H&M Trend, Shoes, jeans, jacket and purse – H&M Divided.
Von (my little sister, 12 years old): Scarf – borrowed from mother, Shoes – Vans, Rest of the clothes – H&M Young.
And yes, I know.. what’s up with the hair?!.. It was windy.. clearly.
4 opmerkingen:
You and your little sis look so CUTE!
thank you ^^!
I think You're The BEST!!!!
omg! Tanx alot ^^!
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