I went shopping today, well not actually shopping.. I was only going to buy some amazing braided shoes at Zara, because I saw them a while ago on Runway Today and I couldn't stop thinking about them (how wrong, I know >.<).
But when I realized that I had gotten my pay check, I decided that I also really needed the Cloé shoes I craved. So, I bought them both <3.
And a lovely skirt at the H&M Trend department.
I guess I'll probably be wearing the skirt to school tomorrow so there are going to be pictures tomorrow. And later on this week an outfit photo with the Cloé shoes.
Blog to you soon ^^..
10 opmerkingen:
those clohe shoes are gorgeous!!!! i want a pair too!
those black shoes are amazing, period.
Zara are magnificent, love the braiding.
i loveee those white ones.
i want them. really badly.
gorgeous shoes ! im so jealous
Those shoes are AMAZING!!!
both are so sweeeeet
hey je hebt de chloe's gehaald! nice :-)
Those black shoes are the hotness!
i love those braided shoes! I need to get to zara soon! <3 would you like to trade links? I'm at jaimetamere.blogspot.com
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